Charting New Heights: 2023 So Far
Dear readers,
I am thrilled to introduce our latest blog post, which will take you behind the scenes of the goings on at mediaBOX TV so far this calendar year. As Head of Social Media, I am very excited to share some of the incredible projects we have been working on this year, as well as some of the milestones we have achieved, and everything else in between.
Firstly, I want to say that the past half-year has been a whirlwind of activity for the entire team at mediaBOX TV. We have been working tirelessly to produce high-quality films and media content for our clients, whilst I am also proud to say that we have made some transformative strides this year, as we try to keep ahead of the respective trends in our industry. In this article, we will discuss our recent film productions, as well as some of the other exciting projects we have been working on, whilst touching on wider developments in the media and film industry.
Finally, we will give you a sneak peek of what is to come for the rest of the year, including our participation in the IAA MOBILITY in September ’23. We are excited to be a part of this event and look forward to showcasing our work to a wider audience.
Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope you enjoy it and I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.
Best regards,
Otto Schwimmbeck, Head of Social Media Marketing, mediaBOX TV GmbH
What’s trending in the media and film industry?
This past year has certainly seen major changes in the media and film industry, which has influenced the work we’ve been doing. One trend which we’ve noticed, perhaps also apparent in previous years, but especially so this year, is that short films have become increasingly popular. This isn’t surprising, given the launching of YouTube Shorts and Instagram reels in 2020, added to the rise of TikTok, which has given shorter videos a much larger platform and reach, in turn making them far more appealing. Although much of the content which consumers are exposed to is entertainment related, they are consequently more likely to be more interested by promotional material which businesses produce, that is shorter. In fact, a study conducted by Colormatics revealed that 68% of consumers were content with watching a ‚business video‘ which was under one minute long. Businesses are certainly taking this consumer trend on board – with the same study highlighting that 49% of business videos are now under a minute in length. [i]
We at mediaBOX TV have certainly felt this directly, as we have had increasingly more requests from our clients that the content, we produce for them, be edited down into a shorter timeframe. We are finding it to be a fun challenge to create engaging content that is also concise, and have some examples for you!
We produced a series of clips for electronica 2022, all under thirty seconds, check out the video we produced focusing on ‚Connectivity & Embedded Systems‘:
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For the clip we made for the opening day of the opti 2023 trade show earlier this year:
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What work have we got up to so far this year?
While the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic reached our industry, this year, seeing a dramatic return to in-person activities, has been hugely beneficial to us. We were delighted to be able to cover some of the Messe Munich trade fairs which we unfortunately have not been able to attend for a while – f.re.e, BAU, and transport logistic all returning this year with their first in-person trade show since the pandemic.
While 2023 has thus seen changes on the last few years, our unrelenting dedication to working across a wide variety of subject areas (whilst producing exceptional quality all-round, of course!) has appeared the same – evident in the incredible breadth of different areas we have covered so far this year. From the focus on the digital transformation of the construction industry at digitalBAU, to the focus on travel and leisure at f.re.e – to that on printed electronics at LOPEC, we have covered a variety of trade shows, at times dramatically different in subject matter. Furthermore, from our daily highlight videos to our multiple image videos, from behind-the-scenes content to interviews, we’ve once again produced a vast range of different material for our clients.
It’s not all been Messe Munich productions this year, however! We’ve done filming with other clients such as the MSE (Munich city drainage) and ELATEC RFID Systems. It’s also not just been Munich this year – as we’ve traveled throughout Germany to work with some of our clients – shooting for UPM all the way in Hamburg, for instance. In other news, we’ve acquired a green screen studio, located by our offices at the Messe Munich West Entrance, which we put to use for the first time when filming with ELATEC recently and have since used for other projects. We were thus able to help produce interactive tutorial videos in which ELATEC took viewers through their TWN4 DevPack. To check out the first of the nine consecutive videos uploaded, follow the link:
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And, of course, there’s AI too. To say that this is the current talk of the business world would constitute a huge understatement, with the dawn of every new day seemingly witnessing yet another major step forward in the advancement of AI.It’s no surprise, then, that the AI industry is growing at an exponential rate – being valued at $452.12 billion at the end of 2022 and set to exceed a value of $2.5 trillion by 2032 – thus growing with a CAGR of 19% at this time, according to a study conducted by Precedence Research. [ii]
Within our sphere – namely the media and film industry – AI is taking off exceptionally quickly. Indeed, whilst the majority of AI is not yet advanced to the extent it can produce high-quality videos all on its own, AI-powered editorial tools are beginning to be experimented with. With estimates predicting a CAGR of 25% until 2030, and some as high as over 30%, it is consequently more than reasonable to expect to feel the effects of substantial AI development, within the media and film industry, in the coming years. [iii] Read more to discover some of the work we have been doing with AI, ourselves, as we come back to this topic later in the article.
Returning to our green screen, as you can see in the difference between the background in the video, and in the photo – the screen allows us to seamlessly replace the background with any other image or video. Thus, bringing with it state-of-the-art facilities to add an interactive element to presentations, interviews, tutorials, and other similar types of videos, the studio provides us with further flexibility in the array of projects we can offer – we cannot wait to put it to future use, in helping our clients with their projects!
What else have we been doing?
We have made an active effort to increase our presence on social media. We’ve set up pages on LinkedIn and TikTok (of course both of these sites being for very different content-posting purposes!), while increasing our activity across our YouTube, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter) and Facebook accounts respectively. We’re sharing more of the content we produce, as well as giving more regular updates of what we are up to across our other pages. We’re trying to show you what working for mediaBOX TV is really like. We focused on posting some ‚behind the scenes‘ content from some of the shoots we have recently been at, for example, the automatica trade show, as well as from our work with MSE, with more content on the way.
With the trade fair season also returning in September, we also wanted to reflect on how working on one of these, for mediaBOX TV, is. Of course, we have covered such an incredible variety of different Messe Munich trade shows, so breaking down our experiences here into a shortened, easy-to-digest summary certainly posed a challenging task! However, through the broad overviews our chief creative director Stan Kotin and producer Bartek Palka have over the work we do here, we were successfully able to do this – Stan and Bartek summarizing everything, as well as adding some of the interesting experiences they have had on the trade shows, too! Don’t miss out on this insightful series! Click the link below to find it:
At mediaBOX TV, we take great pride in the quality of our work, but we also recognize that it is important to share a different perspective on our work. That is why we started a series called ‚Testimonial Tuesday‘ – where we shared reviews from our clients throughout July and August. The title says it all – every Tuesday, we featured a new review from one of our clients, giving them a chance to share their experiences and perspectives on the work which we have done for them. We believe that this series is a great way to showcase the quality of our work from the perspective of those who matter most – our clients. The testimonials are all over our social media channels!
As much as we, and others, then, too, can stress the quality of our work, we also believe that sharing our work is a great way to demonstrate our capabilities. Since we have become more active on social media, we have been showcasing our recent projects, but we also wanted to highlight work which we produced a little further back. That’s why we launched a fortnightly ‚Throwback Thursday‘ series at the beginning of August, which has been a great way for us to share some of our past projects with you. We’re excited to continue this series and show you more of the amazing work that we have produced over the years. Keep updated with our social media channels to track our ‚Throwback Thursday‘ series!We believe that our work speaks for itself and we are confident that it will give you a better sense of what we can do!
And our work with AI, of course!
Not just adapting to the latest trends, but staying ahead of the game is always key, in any industry. Thus, recognizing the need to keep pace with recent advancements, we embarked on our AI initiative earlier this year, evaluating our operational workflows and business scenarios to identify present and potential future applications for machine learning and generative AI. The domain of computer vision is not a newcomer to the realm of machine learning.Nevertheless, we discovered that the current environment has dramatically reduced entry barriers, with tasks such as classifying, categorising, and managing vast quantities of video data no longer being exclusive to large-scale enterprises. While video synthesis is in its infancy, the anticipated prospects, such as generating on-demand stock footage, are already proving to be immensely beneficial, and this doesn’t even begin to touch on the potential AI-related opportunities.
It is this potential, which is astonishing, and we, like everyone else, are just embarking on the beginning of our AI voyage. To learn more about the steps we have been taking, make sure to check out our three-part series, which is part of our ‚Out of the Box‘ talk, where we engage our in-house AI researcher in a conversation about how mediaBOX TV is navigating the AI landscape.
Additionally, with much of automatica focused on AI, we asked ourselves the question – ‚how would it look if AI met AI?‘ Of course, this is a fairly complex question, which is very difficult to answer. However, we let our imagination run wild and free, producing a video for the automatica trade fair. Staying on the topic of this video – we were able to use some of the latest editorial technology to help us here, namely – Wonder Dynamics. This tool offered us a unique solution for combining real video with CG characters using motion capture. Although this technique is usually both expensive and time-consuming, Wonder Dynamics allowed for replacing any person in a video with a computer-generated character.We were lucky enough to join a select group of beta testers, and were thus able to produce this video for our client time-effectively, inexpensively, and to our best quality!
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So much already, and more? What else have we got planned for the rest of the year?
I stressed earlier how much more we have been able to do this year, and it is also important to note the interesting work we have coming up over the next few months, particularly. The dawn of September brings with it the dawn of the autumn trade fair season, which kicks off on September 5th with the IAA MOBILITY 2023 trade show. Showcasing the latest innovations within the automotive industry, through live presentations and panel discussions, we’re looking forward to working at such an exciting trade show. This is just the second time IAA MOBILITY will have gone ahead, giving us even more excitement! Following IAA MOBILITY, Messe Munich will then play host to various trade shows, throughout the rest of autumn, which range dramatically in subject from show to show!
We will not only be working on fairs, too! We will once again be working with LMU (also known as the Ludwig Maximilian University), recording with some of their live streams towards the end of the year. We cannot wait to show you all the work we will be doing, so stay tuned as we update you every step of the way!
[1] https://www.colormatics.com/article/short-form-video-statistics-and-2020-marketing-trends/
[2] https://www.precedenceresearch.com/artificial-intelligence-market
[3] Grand View Research predicts a growth of 26.9%: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/global-artificial-intelligence-ai-media-entertainment-market ; cmswire predicts a growth of 31.89%: https://www.cmswire.com/the-wire/artificial-intelligence-ai-in-media-and-entertainment-market-report-2023-featuring-amazon-web-services- graymeta-ibm-microsoft-more/
And lastly, make sure to follow our social media channels!
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